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Summer Essentials for Staying Healthy

Carolina Sanchez

Photo Sources:;;;;

Summer means different things for everyone. In Miami, it means staying out of the sun at peak hours or avoiding scorching your feet on the lava-hot sand as you run to the ocean. In Russia, it means absorbing up every last ray of the sun that is lacking the other 9 months of the year. I've put together a list of my favorite essentials so you can stay healthy and cool under the sun, wherever you may live.



: I absolutely love juicy, red, sweet watermelon on a hot day. After run club, a big, thirst-quenching bowl of watermelon definitely ensues. Watermelon is about 95% water so it is a great way to stay hydrated on a summer day. If you're going to the beach, cut it up and take it with you in a cooler. You'll be glad you did!

2) Sunscreen

: Speaking of sun, sunscreen is one of my year-round essentials. It's almost always sunny in Miami, and sunscreen is necessary to protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays. The sun also provides many benefits to us, like Vitamin D, but it's rays are really strong and can cause damage to our skin. You can still get Vitamin D by wearing sunscreen, so no need to damage your skin in the process. I like to

Kiss My Face SPF 30

 as it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals or toxins.

3) Sunglasses

: Sunglasses are another year-round essential for me. Just as we need to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays, we need to protect our eyes. The New Wayfarer Classic Ray Bans are my favorite, and they're polarized for extra protection. I'm also really liking the Ray-ban 3016 Clubmaster's, they remind me a bit of Dita frames. You can also get either of these as prescription sunglasses (Use promo code SUNNY20 for 20% at the

Salt City Optics


4) Water Bottle

: Water is an essential year-round, but in summer, we need to drink even more as it's easier to get dehydrated. I'm always on the go, and I always make sure to have water with me. My favorite water bottle is by Zulu. It's made from recycled glass, and has a cool silicone sleeve to protect it. It's also dishwasher safe. You can get it at


5) 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Lip Glaze

: I absolutely love this line of cosmetics and I always have a tube of this on me. It's easy for your lips to get sunburned, cracked, and dry in the summer so it's important to nourish them. Unlike many lipsticks which dry your lips out, this lip glaze moisturizes your lips and the color is long-lasting. Some of the colors are more sheer than others. My favorites are Peach and Cabernet, which are among the colors that show up best. They don't contain any synthetic chemicals, chemical preservatives, artificial fragrances, artificial colors, harsh detergents, and are 100% vegan. Their makeup is also fruit dyed, meaning all colors come from fruits and vegetables, pretty cool, huh? 

Check them out

for yourself, you might fall in love too.

6) Deodorant:

 Sweat stinks. The pungent smell of body odor from a crowded subway still lingers in my nostrils. There's a reason why smell can trigger emotional memories, so let's make sure we don't create any unpleasant ones. A few years ago, a good friend of mine from Italy suggested I use a crystal deodorant. It lasts forever (ok maybe not


, but a really long time!), it's odorless, doesn't stain your clothes, does its job well, and it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals like aluminum that your body can absorb. You can also take it in your carry-on if you travel because it's not a liquid. My favorite is by

Naturally Fresh

with Aloe Vera. You can buy it at your local Whole Foods, Publix, Kroger, Target, and more.

Comment below to share some of your favorite summer essentials!